Legacy Ministries Association incorporated

Derrick I. Temple, Sr
Founder - CEO
Legacy Ministries Association, Inc.
1-805-892-8038 Ext. 101
Oxnard, CA
Date of Birth:
October 12, 1967
A Bit About Me
I have been preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ since 1986. I owe much of my character development to my aunt Eloise Temple, a lady legendary, who is the model of a virtuous woman. As far as my preaching prowess is concerned, I am left without excuse because I am the princely product of a rich preaching dynasty, largely due to my uncle James Commodore Wade, Sr. He was a true preaching legend who was ahead of his time. His legacy paved the way for every preacher in our family.
God has graced me to be relentless in turning problems into opportunities, and I am a stark proponent of strategic planning and implementation. Having a plan or vision is one thing, but strategically implementing the plan is an entirely different beast.
My foundational basis for operations is the Holy Bible. I have a deep passion for preachers, the local church, urban communities, families, and the empowerment of the disenfranchised. From the beginning of my calling to preach the Gospel until now, I have had a deep burden for the thriving of the local church and have often found myself led by the Lord to "think outside of the box" and develop creative ways to do ministry, with the help of our Lord. I thrive off of seeing others succeed and facilitating their success.
. . . Because God told me to. Especially after COVID, I have been disheartened by the decline of local churches and the resignation of local pastors who were and are disillusioned and/or discouraged by their dissolving congregations. Their buildings are larger than the people contained in them. In addition, I am concerned about older sages in life and death who are quickly forgotten along with many talented ministers who cannot find a place to fit or utilize their God-given gifts, and they have little encouragement and support.
For these reasons and more, God heavily placed upon my heart to found Legacy Ministries Association, Incorporated, an association that creates ministry opportunities, harnesses talent, breeds legendaries, and preserves legacies.
Academics & Authorship
Ph.D., MA, BA, MBA - Bishop College, Criswell College-Seminary, Channel Islands Seminary, Talbot School of Theology, Master’s Seminary, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Gateway Seminary, and the University of Phoenix
Author - The Pastor and His Anatomy (Volumes I & II) - A Biblical Examination of the External and Internal Challenges of Pastors, Making the Last Days Your Best Days - A Biblical Worldview of the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020, Making the Last Days Revised - Including Bonus Chapter - "The Delta Storm", The Apostasy of America - A Biblical Examination of Our Country's Defect from God, In My Father's House - A Black Father and A Black Son, How Shall We Gather? - How to Thrive in the Midst of Church Decline - An Exegetical Perspective, How Shall We Gather? - How to Thrive in the Midst of Church Decline Strategic Guide - A Practical Perspective, and God's New Adversaries - A Defense of the Christian Faith Against the Attack on Biblical Absolutes ; The Biblical Role of Men and Women - An Exegetical and Theological Treatise; A Soldier's Story - The Life and Legacy of Mark Boddie (To Be Released in 2025)
All Book Releases Are Sold Exclusively at Urban Publishing House, LLC and Dr. Temple's Ministry Partners and Their Venues.
AUGUST 30, 1999

Pastoral Ministry Experience
February 2021 - Present
October 2002 - Present
June 1997- August 2002
Founder-Managing Member of Urban Publishing House, LLC.
Oversee the overall operation of the company.
Special Publication Skills - Typesetting, interior formatting of print and eBooks, cover design, and copy-line and content editing
First Black publisher to ensure the author gets full ownership of his/her book, including full royalties.
Responsible for preserving the legacies of Christian authors through publications.
Founder - Pastor of Urban Christian Church of Oxnard, Inc.
Oversee the day-to-day ministries of the church
Special Shepherding Skills - Interpersonal skills in developing loving and nurturing relationships with people from all walks of life and nationalities, thereby, leading a multi-cultural church in a non-discriminatory fashion.
Responsible for equipping the Saints for ministry, and the administration of core leaders with strong ministry skills.
Bible Teacher - Broadcast entitled, “New Vision for Today.” (KDAR)
Developed Christian business start-up ministry for entrepreneurs
Pastor - Trinity Missionary Baptist Church of Oxnard, CA
Responsible for shepherding, caring for the members of the congregation, and preaching God's Word.
Key to the City of Oxnard, Mayor Manuel Lopez - 8/1997
Commendation Award, City of Oxnard, Mayor Tom Holden-11/6/2005
2012 Agape Leadership Award – California State Legislature/Assembly Das Williams 9/8/2012
Headed a $6.5 million building project proposal, including design layouts of a senior living development, church, school, and multi-purpose building with Mercy Housing, and major developers in the City of Oxnard, thereby, meeting City codes and regulations.